The Sterling Lady
On America's Great Loop
For the Second Time!
Hoppies  isn't fancy. A string of barges along the bank of Kimswick Mo. But it has everything you need.
Not at all pretty, but funtional.
The small cute town was preparing for  an invasion of the Red Hat Ladies.
In the strange sign department,
this sign, located at a  RR crossing,
and next to a  cross??

Think about it..

R u supposed to call from your stalled car??
Every day, about 4 pm, Fern Hoppie gives her "what to expect down river" briefing.
Me and Fern.
Hoppies Marina has been around since 1939. Fran's father's job was to light the marker oil lanterns on the river . I actually came here 49 years ago on my fathers boat. Neither Fern nor I have changed a bit since then.
There was impromptu Dock Party, and Jimmy,  a looper on 
"Riff Raff"
brought a Carmel coated pecan
apple pie.
In commenderation of the
100 year flood dykes that were built to hold the water back. 
All 8 loopers were off at the crack of dawn, as we had a long 110 mile day to Cape Giradeau.
Our normal speed of 8 mph was  greatly enhanced by the 4 plus knot  current of the mighty Miss.
This tow was 6 long, 6 wide, and powered by a huge 3 engine tug.
This is how they make those hundreds of very straight wing dikes. By scraping the rock off between the barges,it insures a straight pile.
Passing Cumberland Rock, discoverd by Lewis and Clark.
At the end of a LONG day, we all rafted up in Diversion Chanel, just south of Cape Giradeau.
7 am and all 8 looping boats are off to finish the Missisippi River and head up the Ohio.
We are going DOWN river, and at this point on the Mississippi, we are heading NORTH!
The junction of the Ohio and Mississippi Rivers was a quick 50 mile run with the currents .
There is LOTS of barges and barge traffic on the lower Ohio River.
Lots of barges are moored on either side of the channel.
Loopers "Perfect Remedy" and "Morning Side" Who we have been traveling with these past few days.
The lockmaster at 51 has us hover in the center of the docks, instead of  tying up.
At first I though this was Dollyworld, Dolly Partons park, but on second look, it's not.
We anchored for the nite just past the  I -24 bridge on the Ohio River, just before lock 52
This AM, the lockmaster has us tie to the very rough walls of the Lock.
This lock and 52 are scheduled to be replaced by a new lock in 2013. It's in pretty bad shape.
Soon we were on the Cumberland River, fighting it's 4 knot current, headed to Lake  Barkley.
Instead of arriving at the Barkley Lock at 1 pm, we arrived at 430 pm , as we had to fight  the current the whole way!~
The lines were barely tied,,and happy hour started. We will stay here 3 days to regenerate, clean, change oils, etc.
Took the free courtesy van to town, got a haircut, some food, dinner and drinks at  the bring your own bottle Yacht Club. This is a dry county. Ha!
My Portable Party Bar---->
One evening there was one of those impromptu get togethers that loopers tend to do. Everyone brough a plate. Twas fun! Been here 3 days, time to move on. 12 looper boats here today.
<------Looper health food.
The Admiral has  Family in Cincinnati that drove 5 hours to meet us at Green Turtle Bay Kentucky.
The morning of our departure, they prepared for us the World's best omlet. Yum!
After 3 days at Green Turtle Bay, it was time to get moving again. So we are doing a side trip to 190 miles to Nashville. Barkley lake is wide at this end.
Being the clever, resourceful, and intelligent person I am, I discovered Buzzards Rock Marina. Believe it or not, for  $20 they rented me a slip, Gave me a nice rental car full of fuel, and it's a very nice marina.
This is one  of  the two vehicals they loan you, full of fuel, no restrictions, and you don't have to replace the fuel! I wanted to visit the Marine Heritage Museum in Pakukah, and was going to rent a car for the 30 mile drive.
For the $20 dock fee, I got the dock, a place to live, and a car!
What a country!!!
One of the displays  in the museum is a hands  on  video of the river traffic that goes back a week to show you the traffic.
I scrolled it back to the day we went by Paducah and there we were, all 8 of us, passing by the city.
<---Our Flotilla of 8 boats
One of the many reasons when you do the loop, you don't take the lower Mississippi.
This 72 barge tow.
A news crew was interviewing the painter touching up the mural on the Paducah Flood wall.
Back at the marina,we did our own private happy hourz, and walked  the docks, colleting boat names. They have parking areas on the  docks for  their golf carts.
The golf carts match the boats.
On our Happy  Hourz dock walk, we discovered these "things" growing on a fallen limb in the water.
Anyone have any idear what these are???
I particularly liked  this Boat Name.
Cruising Hint # 67 and Google Earth.
Both are free

Active captain lists marinas, and anchorages with reviews

Google Earth will show you stores, food, gas, attractions etc  on a satellite view, very usefull when you in a new area.
9/22/09   It's windy, as we do a short days cruise towards Nashville. Todays goal, Lake Barkley Municipal Marina.
We are still on Lake Barkely, it's wide, and the channel is windy.
As we turn off  the main chanel, at mm 59.5, the  marina is  located up a side branch cove of the  lake, abougt 2 miles.
Kinda looks like Lake of the Ozarks to me.
The covered slip is a little tight. I have about 2 inches  on either beam
For $20 a nite, it a real nice marina. Very isolated however.
As it is a VERY small cruising  world, some great friends, Dan and Susan,from Canada showed up and offer us a  happy hour, complete with Canadian Fireplace and tooke! Sorry the picture is Blurry Dan, but the rum was good!
Oh yeah, the fireplace is actually electric.
Nice Tooke----------------------->
Canadian Fire place, on a boat----->
<-------Canadian Boat
9/23/09   Tonite we will anchor out.  Clarksville it to far to travel in one day, so we will go 30 miles to anchor out.
For the first half of the Day, Lake Barkley is very wide. The chanel winds back and forth across the lake.
There are fewer tows, and they are smaller, only 3 wide and 5 long.
As we get further upstream, Lake Barkley narrows into the Cumberland river.
There are lots of  bass boats out today
Lots of wild life today. Bald eagles, several deer, tons of blue herons
5 hours later, Dover Island anchorge.
The anchorage is  quiet, secluded, safe and pristine. The looper Carrol Ann arrives just after us.
Took the dinghy into the town of Dover. There were two banks, three  funeral homes,  a Napa, and  14 houses. That.s it.
oh yeah, and this war memorial